zondag 26 mei 2013


She said even birds like me 
have room to spread their wings
in the sky.

Birds like me
that find comfort in the rain.

What an ugly bird I must be.

Darling, she said,
you are as beautiful as death; 

They notice you but
don’t acknowledge you are there.

But you will let them know.
You will let your voice be heard.

And they will have no choice
but to accept you.

Spread your wings—

Fly through the rain;
the sun will greet you.


woensdag 22 mei 2013

You Chased Stars

You chased stars
And almost touched the heavens
While I watched you fall
Burning out like a flare
Crying for help
And yet my arms
Couldn’t reach that far
And so you plummeted
Into the ocean’s embrace
With no farewell
But the smiles you left
Frozen in these frames
And I’m left numb
And unable to ever gaze
Upon the stars again

dinsdag 14 mei 2013


I found a remnant of him
Tucked away in a book
A precious token forgotten
Yellowed and brittle
I gently opened the note
Letting my eyes once again
Travel over the curves of his words
Scrawled with such fervent love
A breath and my heart still leapt
When my eyes at last fell upon
The words that melt and broke me
“Promise me, Love, you’ll stay”

maandag 13 mei 2013

Insomnia and her friend, Loneliness

The birds are singing to me again
at 4 in the morning.

It’s always at this hour that they begin to serenade me.
Oh but surely, it’s not of love.

It’s just to reassure me that I’ve had another scandalous affair with Insomnia. They’re always the first ones to remind me of how adulterous I am.

Can you blame me?

How can I pass up the offer when Insomnia’s
knocking at my door with a new pair of lingerie
colored so beautifully in misery —
with a bottle of regret in her hand.
Not to mention her fine friend,

These two always make my night, I tell ya.

But these birds are like my conscience,
but then again,
who the hell listens to their conscience anyway?
Eventually they’ll go away.

‘til the sun comes out and laughs in my face:
“Another sleepless night? Stay up babe, the day’s
just getting started.”

Go to hell.

And of course lovely Insomnia with her beloved Loneliness leave before then, but not before they strip me of sleep.

As always, I’m drunk with regret.
Nothing new. I’ve gotten used to the bitter taste
it leaves at the end of my tongue.

But still I assure you: I am not an alcoholic.

That’s just the price to pay for the company of Insomnia
and her friend, Loneliness.

 I’m still young. I’ve got plenty of more nights
before I can’t afford to lose sleep on you, Insomnia.
So come again with your friend,
while I’m still young.

and let the birds sing me another song.


You have touched every important part of me 
with your words,
with your mouth,
with your soul,
or your hands. 
There is nothing more comforting
or terrifying than that.

vrijdag 10 mei 2013


The sweet smell of you
Still lingers on all my pillows
And sheets and stains my thoughts
With memories of love
And happiness
And it's incredible how a sense 
Can remind one of a past feeling
Or event
Like the first time you told me you loved me
Or when you faded away from my world
Because you were finally happy
Just not with me
And it's incredible 
That something that once may have helped me drift to sleep
Now only reminds me to change my sheets.

woensdag 8 mei 2013


The things that frighten me the most don't even have a physical form -

heartbreak -

They're the things you feel with every component of your body, but will never see in its entirety.
That is why I believe the scariest things are what we can feel, but never touch.